US/MX Border Justice

Tensions at the United States/Mexico border have been growing for decades, but have become especially taut in recent years due to international policy and immigration laws. The Spiritualution℠ movement stands in solidarity with all those who have lost a friend or family member to incidents resulting from these growing tensions. We stand for a world without borders, where all of humanity is united in a common sense of brotherhood and sisterhood. We have brought our cameras and our activists to publicize events hosted by or in support of Hispanic communities that suffer unjustly in these times of racism and wealth and political disparity.

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Conversations With Activists

Founder of the Spiritualution℠ — Justice to the People movement, Van of Urantia, talks with musical, social, and spiritual activists from around the world. These thought provoking interview sessions provide a forum for discussing contemporary issues with the leaders of organizations and movements who are trying to take action for positive change.

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Indigenous Rights

The heart breaking story of indigenous people losing sacred and traditional lands to the importation of corporations can be told by nearly all native populations across the globe. In recognition of the rights of the indgenous to maintain access to and protection of their sacred lands, the Spiritualution℠ movement attends occupation campaigns to keep sacred land safe. The attemps of corporations to steal and plunder these lands is part of a larger issue pertaining to civil rights and equality for Native persons. Our movement calls for policy changes that protect Native rights and increase access to education, healthy food, and health care for Native communities.

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Monsanto is one of the world's largest agricultural corporations, with thousands of patents on fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds. Millions across the nation have taken to the streets to March Against Monsanto because of the disastrous consequences of commoditizing and profitting from agriculture, an industry that to become sustainable, must be revolutionized to integrate natural principles of resource cycling and permaculture. The Spiritualution℠ movement supports efforts to encourage community-based agriculture as a means to reverse the trend of overly-subsidized and processed foods becoming more accessible than the wholesome organic foods individuals need to heal their bodies and souls from the pollutants of this world.

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The Occupy Movement

The Occupy Movement is America's largest grassroots effort to incriminate the 1% for unjust policy decisions that have created a vast and disastrous wealth disparity between the elite and America's working class. The Spiritualution℠ movement has been present at events across the country to speak and act against the ongoing injustice. Spiritualution℠ articles and videos feature interviews with Occupants of all types and bring in to focus the need for spiritual ideals to become integrated with economic, political, and international policy.

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From police brutality to unfair working conditions, there are many reasons to take to the streets today with civil disobediance. The Spiritualution℠ movement is a call to all peoples, from all nations, to uphold a value system that respects all persons and creates systems and institutions that can work to provide basic human rights to all. In the modern age, individuals face persecution, racism, and corruption on unprecedented levels. A rallying call can be heard as we march together shouting for peace, crying for justice, and recognizing one another as planetary brothers and sisters.

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